Selecting the Right Keyless Locking Assembly: Factors to Consider

Raju Kumar
3 min readSep 27, 2023


Keyless locking assemblies are essential components in various industrial applications where shafts and hubs need to be securely connected without the use of traditional keys or splines. Choosing the right keyless locking assembly involves considering several important factors to ensure high performance, reliability, and ease of use. Here are some key factors that you should consider while purchasing keyless devices.

Factors To Consider While Selecting the Right Keyless Locking Assembly

  • Torque Transmission Requirements: Determine the amount of torque will be transmitted between the shaft and the hub. This will help you select a keyless locking assembly with the appropriate torque capacity for your application.
  • Shaft And Hub Dimensions: Measure the dimensions of the shaft and the hub accurately. This includes the shaft diameter, hub diameter, and the width of the shrink disc coupling area. Choosing an assembly that fits these dimensions correctly is crucial for a secure and reliable connection.
  • Load And Application Type: Consider the type of load the assembly will be subjected to. Is it a constant load, varying load, or shock load? Different assemblies are designed to handle specific load types, so choose one that aligns with your application’s requirements.
  • Speed And Rpm: The rotational speed of the assembly (measured in revolutions per minute, RPM) is a critical factor. Higher speeds might require assemblies with enhanced balancing and precision to prevent vibration and wear.
  • Installation And Removal: Evaluate how easy it is to install and remove the keyless locking assembly and shrink disc. Some designs offer tool-free installation and removal, while others might require specialized tools. Quick and efficient assembly can significantly reduce downtime during maintenance.
  • Alignment Tolerance: Consider the alignment tolerance between the shaft and the hub. Some assemblies can accommodate slight misalignments, which can be beneficial in real-world scenarios where perfect alignment might not always be achievable.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Depending on the operating environment, corrosion resistance might be important. Choose materials and coatings that can withstand the conditions the assembly will be exposed to.
  • Axial Load Handling: In applications with axial loads, make sure the selected locking assemblies can handle these loads without compromising its performance.
  • Backlash: Backlash refers to the amount of play or movement that occurs when the direction of force changes. Minimizing backlash might be important in precision applications.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Consider the maintenance schedule and requirements of the assembly. Some designs might need periodic re-tightening or lubrication, while others are maintenance-free.

It is anticipated that soon, there will be a rise in the demand for keyless locking assemblies across a wide range of industries. As more and more businesses become aware of the benefits of using keyless assemblies, they will most likely use it to boost their productivity and bottom line. Moreover, technological and material developments will continue to make these devices more efficient and reliable.

Power Ace India is one of the leading gear manufacturers in India. They specialize in manufacturing locking assemblies like shrink disc coupling and torque limiter coupling. Due to their number of years of experience, they have earned a reputation as a long-term supplier of high-quality power transmission products that allow companies to be competitive in a tough global market.



Raju Kumar
Raju Kumar

Written by Raju Kumar


I am a Skilled blog content writer (9+ years) with industry knowledge (cloud training, etc.). I craft engaging content to help businesses and readers.

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